Top 10 Most Active Bootleg/Unauthorized Console Markets in the World - Part I
Where is the largest market for bootleg/unauthorized consoles? Answering to this objectively has not been easy because there're few reliable aggregation related to them. However, now we can see relative comparison based on the numbers of the models in each region via Unauthorizon. Of course such numbers don't immediately represent the popularity of clone consoles. However, I believe at least it should be helpful as an index of market activity degree.
Note: Personally I've never really experienced famiclone market outside Japan so the following text may include some misunderstanding. Please let me know if you find incorrect descriptions.
10. South Korea (229 records)
Korean famiclones/MD clones are known with their unique shapes. As you know most of the bootleg/unauthorized console markets have been filled with products designed/manufactured in Greater China. However, South Korea was one of rare exceptions -- having not a few domestic clones.
Korean famiclone market took off relatively earlier (around 1988~89). Various Taiwanese clones rapidly landed there and some of them such as Supercom and Goodboy enjoyed decent success during the early 90s. In parallel with them Korean original designed consoles gradually increased and apparently some brands like Mega System fared well in the late 90s.
However, apparently by the mid 2000s Korean market has almost been normalized. I mean, people's interest to the bootleg/unauthorized console disappeared. I guess total liberalization of Japanese video game contents (2004) was the main reason behind that. Only a handful of models, mostly casual retro reproductions manufactured in China, have been released In the 'post patent' era (2003~present).
Haitai Supercom HC-1000, one of the most famous famiclones in South Korea, which is based on Taiwanese Aaronix AX-9900.
9. India (233 records)
Rakesh Dugar of Mitashi claimed "There were 55 brands in the country at the regional level (in the end of '90s)". but we've confirmed less than 30 of them so far. Perhaps there're still a lot of missing in our database and India's rank could be potentially a bit higher. Current Indian bootleg/unauthorized console market is in shrinking trend, or at least less active than the '00s~'10s. Howevcer, still new products occasionally come to the market.
Samurai was originally the official NES distributor since 1987 but later reached over to unofficial clones including Samurai Micro Genius. MItashi also followed the same path, started as official Super Famicom distributor then later became the largest famiclone supplier in India.
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